Pumpkin Checkers
This a great front porch activity to play while waiting for trick or treaters. First, take a wood slab and paint it with a checkerboard pattern (8 equal squares per row x 8 rows). Next, use mini pumpkins and gourds as the checkers.
Halloween, I Spy
I spy … something fun. Keep your little ghouls entertained with this wonderful Halloween themed I-Spy game. Download the free printable pdf and print it on card stock. Game on!
Bean-Bag Toss Pumpkins
This game will make a great addition to your local Halloween fair. It’s simple to create; just download this template, trace onto your pumpkin, carve out the holes, and scoop out the seeds and innards. Then stack your pumpkins on top of one another using a plastic tie to hold them in place. To play, step off approximately 10 feet from the pumpkins. Toss bean bags in the spaces of the mouth. Award each player 10 points for ringing the bottom and 20 points for the top.
Halloween Charades
This is the perfect Halloween game for scary movie buffs. Write a list of your favorite Halloween-themed movies on a deck of index cards. Have each team pick a card and act out a scene. The first team to guess the right movie scores a point. Keep playing until all the index cards are gone. The team with the most points wins!
Pumpkin Twister
Twister is a great activity for smaller, preschool-aged children. It will help your kids learn their colors, count, and follow directions. This version is pumpkin-themed and perfect for Halloween. Download the Pumpkin Twister game and spin away!
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Halloween Scavenger Hunt
The leaves and weather are changing, but one thing never changes … kids will always love scavenger hunts. Try this fun, Halloween-themed scavenger hunt in your neighborhood this fall. Download this list, print it on card stock, and release the hounds. This fun game will provide your kids with hours of fun.